Learn Japanese online with native Japanese teacher
Private lessons with native Japanese teachers using a webcam.
Classes can be taken at home 24 hours a day to accomodate the schedules of busy people.
Japanese Online School
Japanese English
   Great low price
   Private Japanese lesson is only from JPY1,850-/1 lesson(50min)

Great low prices because costs, such as classroom costs and teacher's transportation expenses are unnecessary, therefore we can offer quality instruction, convenience of classes at times to suit you and great price.

<Tuition comparison with other schools>
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notes From your own home in your own time

in a classroom

in a classroom

Teacher's transportation expenses separately required

   Private Lesson
   Enjoy one on one lessons.

The greatest asset of a private lesson is being able to perform the lesson
according to YOUR needs, YOUR aims and YOUR style,
- No need to have patience with other students as in a group lesson.
- You can learn at your own pace, since the lesson does not progress without you
   even if you cancel.
- Lessons become more informative and in-depth seeing
   as you can ask any number of questions during your lesson
   without having to regard other studentsf needs.
- You can choose your fields of interest as the topic of conversation.
We recommend you to take private lessons because of these reasons.

We recommend our private lessons especially to the following people.
- people who want to learn Japanease at their own pace.
- people who want to learn Japanease for specific tests,
   such as the Japanese Language Proficiency Test.
- people who want to learn Japanease intensively and for a short period
   for business or business trips.
- people who cannot take lessons regularly due to their schedule.
- people who want to learn Japanease focusing on pronunciation, grammar, etc.
- people who want to learn Japanease efficiently.

If your close family and friedns wants to take lessons with you
it is no problem, but if there will be more than two of you
please let us know before the class.
   Native Japanese Teachers
   Native Japanese Teachers offer you private lessons.
Excellent Japanese teachers who are qualified and experienced
in teaching the Japanese language support your study.
In this school, only teachers who have passed the following adoption
standard teaches with us.
- Successful completion of the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test.
  or graduates of private Japanese teacher training courses (420-hour course)
  or people whom this school accepted specially due to an exceptional capability
     with proof of extensive Japanese language teaching
     even if they did not fill the above requirements exactly.
- People who can master messenger's functions.
- People who are trying to entertain and keep students motivated in lessons.
- People who are always trying to collect new information
     not only in Japanese language education but also Japanese culture.

To people who need concentrated lessons of grammar, or explanation
of the differences in delicate nuances, lessons by bilingual teachers
of your native language and Japanese is also possible.
(Please ask in advance about what languages can be offered.)

Please refer to our Japanese Teachers Page from here.
   in your own room, in your own time
   Due to the nature of online lessons
                  you can take at home and at your favorite time.
Because your own room shall be a classroom you can choose
your lesson time freely.
- you donft need to go out, and can use your time effectively.
- people who cannot go out because of child-rearing responsibilities,
     housekeeping, disability etc. can take lessons.
- busy business people can take classes.
- people who have no school nearby can take lessons.
-It is not necessary to go out unnecessarily.
We contract with teachers who live all over the world, therefore
24-hour organization is utilized and time differences are taken
into consideration and accommodated to.
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